All My Hope on God Is Founded (Michael, Organ)
Be Still and Know That I Am God (Chamber Ensemble)
Be Still, My Soul (Finlandia, Organ)
Christ Is the Light of All the World (Wiltshire, Organ)
Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies (Ratisbon, Organ)
Forty Days and Forty Nights (Aus Der Tiefe, Organ)
God That Madest Earth and Heaven (Ar Hyd y Nos, Organ)
God of Mercy, God of Grace (Heathlands, Organ)
Holy Holy Holy Is the Lord (Organ)
I Cannot Tell (Londonderry Air, Piano Ensemble)
I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (Kingsfold, Organ)
Jesu, Lover of My Soul (Aberystwyth, Organ)
Jesu, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts (Ealing, Organ)
Jesu, the Very Thought of Thee (Saint Agnes, Dykes,organ)
King of Glory, King of Peace (Gwalchmai, Organ)
Lead Us, Heavenly Father, Lead Us (Mannheim, Organ)
Lord Jesus in Your Mercy (Cara - Organ)
Lord of Our Life (Cloisters)
Lord, Teach Us How to Pray (St Hugh)
Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days (Saint Flavian, Organ)
Now, My Tongue, the Mystery Telling (Grafton, Organ)
O Breath of Life (Spiritus Vitae, Organ)
O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High (Eisenach, Organ)
Oft in Danger Oft in Woe (University College, Organ)
Praise to the Holiest (Richmond, Organ)
Put Thou Thy Trust in God (Doncaster, Organ)
Take Up Thy Cross, the Saviour Said (Breslau, Organ)
The Blessed Redeemer Has Found Me (He Saves Me, Organ)
Thy Will Be Done (Organ)
We Hail Thy Presence Glorious (Offertorium, Organ)