Artiesten met een T

The Cathedral Quartet
The Cathedral Singers
The Cathedrals
The Catholic Choral Society
The Catillacs
The Catorce
The Cats
The Cats & the Fiddle
The Cats of Brighton
The Caughtery
The Causeway
The Causeways
The Caustic Sheedies
The Cautious
The Cautious Arc
The Cavaliere
The Cavaliers
The Cave
The Cave Music
The Cave Singers
The Cavedogs
The Cavemen.
The Cavers
The caves
The Cavestompers!
The Cazales
The CB Dogs
The CB303
The CC Twins
The CDB Project
The CDM Chartbreakers
The Cedarmont Kids Singers
The Celebrities
The Celebrity All-Star Jam
The Celebs
The Cellar
The Cellers
The Celtic
The Celtic Circle
The Celtic Tramps
The Census
The Centaurettes
The Central Heart
The Cents
The Centuries
The CenturyMen
The Cernettes
The Cerny Brothers
The Cessna
The Cetra
The Ceys
The Chain Gang
The Chain Gang of 1974
The Chainsmokers
The Chair
The Chairman
The Chairmen
The Chairs, Please
The Chalkeaters
The Chalkheads
The Challengers
The Chamanas
The Chamber Academy Ensemble
The Chamber Orchestra of London
The Chamberlains
The Chambers
The Chambers Brothers
The Chameleon Project
The Chameleons UK
The Champ
The Champp
The Champs
The Chance
The Chance Encounters
The Chanceller
The Chandeliers
The Chandler Travis Philharmonic
The Chandlers
The Changcuters
The Change
The Change Rollers
The Changes
The Changing Ideas
The Channel 4 News Team
The Channels
The Chans
The Chantays
The Chantels
The Chantepleures
The Chanterelles
The Chanters
The Chantey Hook
The Chantress
The Chants
The Chaos Among Us
The Chaos Experiment
The Chaos Lounge
The Chaos Project